Tomorrow – Latvian Music Awards 2015

Tomorrow on 15th March, the ceremony of 20th edition of the most important Latvian Music Awards “Zelta Mikrofons” (translated as Golden Microphone) will take place in Latvian National Opera House in Riga, Latvia.

Skyforger new album “Senprūsija” has been nominated in three categories – best Rock & Metal album, best Concert Recording, and what comes quite unexpectedly, also as Album of the Year. In total there are awards given in 17th categories.

This is oldest Latvian music awards (equivalent to the Grammy awards) and it’s organized by Latvian Performers and Phonogram Producers Society (LaMPA) together with Latvian Performers and Producers Association (LaIPA) with the support from Ministry of Culture of Latvia.

Show will be broadcast on the Latvian TV channel LNT 21:00 (Eastern European Time, EET), and also available live from 19:10 online in portals “” un “”.

Interview with band in latvian (from 5:50)